Saturday, 3 August 2013

•• tHiS iS mY BoDy, So DeaL WiTh iT ••

I heard these sentences a lot, for ages...

(1)  You'll look more beautiful if you could lose some of those weight!!

(2)  You need to exercise more, girl... You're way too fat!!

(3)  It'll be nicer if you could tone down a lil' bit!!

Well... guess what?  THIS IS MY BODY, SO DEAL WITH IT!!!

If you want a smaller, skinnier, sexier girl... go look for her outside... not in me!!  I am happy with my body, so I don't really care about your ideas of the skinny me... I am healthy and I am happy and I am adored... and loved... and missed by those who accept me for who and what I really am...

I have to agree sometimes it hurts when people called me "FAT" but most of the time I just have to deal with it 'coz they don't put food on my table... and hell yeah... I exercise a lot too but it doesn't make me lose these pounds easily... come to think of it.. I don't think I'll look good if i lose these pounds 'coz it'll be more painful to carry my heavy twin-melons... done that been there...

Recently, I put myself in a now-so-stupid diet plan... an apple cider vinegar diet... it almost cost me my kidney failure... I am having difficulties to urinate... and I had suffer a serious pain not to mention dehydrated 24/7 no matter how much i was gulping my H2O... damn...

So... i just have to watch my food intake and yes... exercise more and harder too... damn... still... I loved my body... coz I think.. I am body beautiful and I am beautiful in my own way... I'll carry myself like a queen and I will attract a king.. hahahah...  those other words wont let me down...

Beauty comes from within... whateva the mind can conceived and believed... you will achieved... do you believe that you are body beautiful??? Yesssss... owh yesss.... (this is a lyric from my fav song... BODY BEAUTIFUL)


Princess Farah, Kuala Lumpur.
(this was posted in my Facebook in 2011)

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